In a progression of Twitter posts, Raven Tatum, who in the past blamed him for purportedly sending hooligans to kill her and their child, got down on the rapper for including her in his collection. In his melody “Grandmother’s Oven,” he talks about his relationship with Raven.

“I never knew sh*t would lead us to kid support summons, Rap bum daddy, that is the way they attempt to paint me, And that is a disgrace because those that realize me realize I love my children, Raven was a rodent, she scratched the Benzy and I dropped the charges, That ho realize she’d never had my heart, so she went after my pockets, Have to see how you rockin’ with these groupies, this sh** get hindered, On the off chance that it wasn’t me, it’d be a competitor or another craftsman,” Gibbs raps.

Freddie Gibbs recently blamed Raven for entering his card in 2019, and he was effective in being conceded a controlling request against her.

On Twitter, Raven conceded that she harmed the rapper’s vehicle, yet she had a valid justification for doing as such.

“I could do without tending to BD show. yet, since Fred chose to call me by name on his collection, how about we scatter a few bits of gossip: I sure scratched his vehicle. furthermore, i’ll rehash it. he wouldn’t watch our child and I got terminated from UCLA in light of the fact that I had no sitter. f*** my work? F*** your vehicle,” a tweet read.

In follow-up tweets about the vehicle, she expressed, “TBH the vehicle was light work. he was in europe with one of his numerous toady lady friends when I got terminated.”

She conceded that she needed to thump Freddie Gibbs yet he wasn’t in the country.

One more tweet said, “I’m genuinely fed up with pal turning the story like I destroyed that vehicle over a lady. no, I destroyed that vehicle cuz he maneuvered me toward moving to Los Angeles, taking him off youngster support, got me f***ing terminated, and secured me and his child in a house without any food. that is reality.”

She likewise made sense of the idea of her and Freddie’s relationship and shared that his sweetheart requested that she cut short their child, a kid.

“We weren’t enamored. I never needed to be involved with him. He was locked in I was isolated. I got pregnant.

Erica proposed to pay me to cut short and I told her to f*** off and get lost. she found out and put him out of her home. recount the entire story fred.”

In one more tweet she said that Freddie Gibbs lied about how much cash he was making to the court to pay as little as conceivable in kid support.

“He’s def a loser. this ni*** lied and told the court he makes $1900/yr to keep himself paying as little as conceivable in youngster support.

he scarcely sees his child and leaves him with JD while he goes on excursions with a pornography star. that is the reason I have full care,” she said.

“Really burnt out on being the substitute for all that turns out badly in this nigga’s life. i’m here chilling bringing up our child and I awaken to my govt name being gotten down on your collection. u got another BM and a new gf. discuss them diggers. let me well enough alone. Please,” she added.

Raven additionally shared that she was hitched at the time she and Gibbs imagined her child. She later explained that she was isolated from her significant other however looking out for the separation to be last which required a year.