Fortnite Chapter 2 has arrived and completely altered Epic Games’ battle royale title, giving players a brand new map to explore while also adding some interesting swimming and fishing gameplay mechanics to deepen the experience even further. Fortnite Chapter 2 launched shortly after the black hole incident that had the entire gaming community buzzing, as Epic Games rolled out an update that began with the company ending the game outright and only letting players observe a black hole as they floated through space upon logging in.

That only lasted for a few days, however, and successfully generated an incredible amount of buzz over what would come next for Fortnite. The end result was nothing short of a total overhaul of what people knew about the game, completely changing the game map into a new, mountainous region with several callbacks to past locations and adding lots of gameplay variation. With overhauls meant to avoid the grind for items burning players out, it’s safe to say that Fortnite Chapter 2 is exactly the sort of change that will appeal to current players while perhaps enticing over the few who haven’t yet given the game a proper try.

With those changes come some new options and elements that require explanation, however. How to swim in Fortnite is going to be a hot topic over the next few weeks as players come to grips with their newfound freedom, and using boats and fishing could become popular pastimes. Luckily, we’ve assembled a quick guide on how to swim in Fortnite and live out the life aquatic that many players didn’t even know they had dreamed of living until the new update - dive in!

How to Swim in Fortnite Chapter 2

Players don’t need to worry about drowning in Fortnite, as swimming in Chapter 2 is as easy as simply jumping into the water. Players can also walk, of course - the point is, simply making contact with the water in a meaningful manner will initiate swimming. If players jump into deeper water, like the bodies of water found near piers, swimming in Fortnite might need to be initiated by clicking sprint.

Once players are actually in the water, they’ll also have the ability to dive. By pressing the jump button, the player can jump out of the water and dive back into it, which gives them a boost in speed as they swim toward the surface again. It’s also a neat trick for players trying to avoid enemies who are trying to track them, allowing them to briefly show themselves but then get a major speed boost to try to disappear before resurfacing.

How to Fish in Fortnite Chapter 2

Fishing requires a fishing rod, which can be looted like any other weapon and found in chests. There are also barrels scattered around the map that clearly have fishing rods within them - they’re usually right by a body of water, so this is the easiest method to get the gear required to fish.

There are several fishing locations scattered around Fortnite’s new map, and they’re easy to find - just look for rings of white water. Closer inspection will also reveal fish swimming beneath the rings, making them quite easy to identify. Sometimes, fish even leap out of the water in these locations. Essentially, if players want to fish in Fortnite, they’ll have no problem finding a spot to do so.

Once the fishing rod is equipped and a location is discovered, simply press the action button, which will let players pick the length of their fishing cast as well as the height. Aim for the middle of the rings and let go of the action button once it’s lined up. Once a fish is hooked, players need only reel in their line to catch a fish. Players can actually catch more than just fish, which provide boosts when consumed - they can also dredge up weapons while fishing!

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