“We were already fans of Black Sands when we started to get to know Cole Emde while he spent time at our brewery using our keg washer,” Justin Catalana, CEO and co-founder of Fort Point told Hoodline in an email last week “Eventually, that grew to us contract brewing a batch of their Hallertau Blanc Smash beer in 2016 and getting to know each other’s perspective on beer.

With A taproom in the Ferry Building already, Fort Point Beer Co. acquired the business, keeping the entire team—from the head brewer to the co-owner, and every staff member in between—as they began fermenting on future ideas and iteration for the iconic SF brewery.

This, too, gives the rather large-scale brewery the chance to, truly, craft hyper-local, Bay-area-based brews for the masses; the new watering holes will also double as storefronts, selling merchandise and “swag,” to boot.

“One of the things we are really excited about is activating the homebrew and retail space, offering six packs and growlers to go,” Catalana added in that aforementioned email. “This [is a] new opportunity for us at Fort Point to make smaller batch beer,” he went onto say, solidifying their interest in crafting these more.”

“Plus, having a retail space really opens the door for newer opportunities that we have yet to solidify.”

Are you excited (read: gay screaming) about the Black Sand’s new direction? Well, if you are, you know where will be ordering another round or three in the coming months.