Vivendi owned a 63% controlling stake in Activision, but due to restructuring, they decided to sell the majority of their shares, now only holding 6% ownership in the company. They intially sold the majority of their shares for $8.17 billion, and later sold another 5.8% for $850 million.

In response to Vivendi’s purchase of Gameloft stock, Gameloft issued a press release:

Vivendi’s interest in the companies could be alarming, considering that their investment of about $183 million in both companies seems like an almost meager amount compared to their $10 billion dollar warchest, gained from the sales of many of their assets over the past few years - no small part of which came from Activision. 

Why do you think Vivendi is so interested in this companies. What do you make of their investment? Let me know in the comments!