The accountant investigates incidences of bribery, money laundering, fraud, identity theft, asset misappropriation, security fraud, trade market, compensation disputes, etc. 

Cost of getting a Forensic Accountant

Because of the duration of embezzlement and the quality of the source document needed to investigate the event, forensic accountants do not usually quote a set amount as the cost usually depends on the nature and complexity of the given work. 

Some charge on an hourly basis between $300- $500. 

The cost of preparing a report can change significantly due to the circumstances of every matter and its complexity of it. 

Also, the cost is sometimes dependent on multiple years involved in embezzlement, the source documents being destroyed, the fraud concealed, the bank accounts involved, etc.

Forensic Accountant attempts to unveil the truth and assist in a financial investigation 

A forensic Accountant attempts to unveil the truth and assist in a financial investigation where necessary. Their services are diverse as their role comes to play across several industries such as fraud investigation, mediation, Court litigation (divorce), etc. 

Because of how important their services are, it is best and usually advised to hire one as early as possible as hackers are also intensifying their efforts to escape being detected. 

As a result of the increase in company failures, forensic accountants have a huge responsibility to act on signs of mismanagement, fraud, and weak governance to put a stop to the activities of these fraudsters.

Forensic Accountants Responsibilities

They examine dates and financial records to determine where missing money has gone and the process to recover it. They trace and uncover funds stolen. They also conduct interviews, review documents, and crunch numbers. They always find themselves abreast of financial happenings in the industry. 

When is a Forensic Accountant needed?

Investigation alone cannot reveal complex business accounts as financial fraud can go undetected without thorough investigation. The need for accountability and transparency is imperative; hence the demand for a forensic accountant is more needed and significant than ever. 

Corporations as well as law enforcement agencies including the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) often seek these highly skilled professionals for assistance in helping to uncover and analyze evidence in solving and prosecuting financial crimes. 

A forensic accountant is usually needed in the following circumstances:

To detect unusual development in the accounting and financial systemsIn cases of suspected financial fraudIn cases of commercial damage suffered by individual or companyIn cases of a Partnership disputeIn cases of Contract claimsIn cases of valuation

When it comes to unveiling significant financial findings, their role cannot be overstated as it requires time, effort, and expertise to pre-empt and prevent fraudulent activity in any business or organization.6

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The ability to review large volumes of documentationThe sense of commitment and urgencyA good understanding of peculiar business methodsA good financial Accountant should be objective and professional. The ability to command

They can work in many types of organizations such as compliance departments of top corporations, financial institutions, consulting firms, insurance companies, and government agencies amongst others.

Steps a financial Accountant goes through in an action:

ScopingBackground ResearchData CollectionAnalysis of termsReport DraftingIssuance of Report

The methods used for gathering evidence in a forensic audit are; Substantive technique which includes reconciliation and document review, Analytical procedures which entail obtaining comparing data,

In conclusion, the cycle of forensic investigation begins with an investigation when a client employs a forensic auditor who he suspects a deception for his financial activities. 

The auditor or accountant as the case may be shall begin by determining what type of fraud is being perpetuated, the time frame in which it happened, how it was concealed, who the perpetrators are, the loss caused by the perpetrators, and the evidence to show the specific fraudulent transactions. 

Research shows that the usage of a forensic accountant in corporations is still at a low level due to the high cost of the forensic accounting tools, the money and time involved as well as the requisite skills needed. 

These professionals must be well versed in the various methods and strategies for identifying, finding, and preserving evidence of all kinds of financial misdeeds.