Florida has enacted texting and driving laws to combat the growing threat and dangers associated with texting and driving. In practice, the law has proven ineffective and contains loopholes that can be exploited. The law was put into effect on the first of July 2019. The old law had flaws, which is why the new amendment was made.

The contents of the new law

The new law ceases to allow the use of wireless communication gadgets while in work or school environments.  It forbids the use of cell phones for engaging in social media activities while driving, which includes reading a text, responding to one, or sending one.  The prohibition also extends to reading any data on their mobile devices.  A violation of the law places a fine of $30 for the initial offense, while the fine could increase to $100 for the second offense.

 This law implies that offenders can be fined and arrested for texting and driving, which is a contradiction of the law on its own without being referred to as a second-count offense.

Why was the new law adopted?

There are many reasons why the law was adopted in Florida:

This is to make the act illegal and a punishable offense under the law. Text-driving-related accidents are on the increase. These accidents have taken lives. Records of permanent and temporary injuries are growing at an alarming rate. This law was also introduced to protect more than just lives, but also government and private properties. Protection of people from the dangers that this practice exposes them to:

The loopholes in the text driving law

The law has some shortcomings that have rendered it inadequate or partly ineffective.

The law requires that the officer on duty provide adequate evidence that a person was truly texting while driving. This means that access to the person’s phone will be required to prove this. The phone can only be accessed after the officer has read the person’s right to him or her. This right includes the right to refuse to be searched without a warrant. The law permits the use of a phone at the stop sign. Another loophole is the mild punishment and the opportunity for a waiver for first-time offenders. The provision for a waiver of fines for first-time offenders provided they choose to participate in the wireless communication device safety program doesn’t lend credence to the severity of the offense. The law can also be manipulated as a means of racial discrimination. An offender who has perceived himself or herself as part of the group being discriminated against racially can hide under this cover to avoid arrest. In the same way, the law can also be used as a means of discrimination

It was discovered that blacks and Hispanics had been issued more tickets, according to some records. This undermines the efficacy of this law largely.

This law excludes people who use it for official purposes and those using it for guidance for directional reasons. The implication of this is that some can use the official front as a cover-up to continue this act.

The effect of these loopholes is how impractical they make the full implementation of the law.

Reasons to avoid texting and driving.

It is more important to not be selfish while driving because, apart from yourself, others are also using the road, hence the importance of avoiding this practice.

Insurance companies usually levy a higher rate on their auto insurance premiums once they are notified that you have been found guilty of accidents induced by texting while driving. This is one reason why texting while driving should be avoided. Consider other drivers on the road. Other road users include those walking on foot, other motorists, cyclists, etc. When you deem others’ safety as important as yours, then you will see reasons to not text while driving. It is a major source of distraction. You need your total concentration while driving. Texting while driving is certainly a major cause of distraction behind the wheels. It affects your focus. It affects your ability to respond to driving emergencies that can arise. There are times when pedestrians bump into the road unconsciously. A distracted driver would certainly not be able to prevent an impending accident. The major reason is to prevent accidents, which can lead to fatal injuries and the loss of lives. If you care so much about human lives, it is one reason why you should refrain from the practice.


The safety of people and property is one of the primary reasons that every state, including Florida, has considered enacting new texting and driving laws. This is done to reduce the dangers posed by texting while driving.

Is Florida doing enough to prevent text driving?

Answer: In theory, they have put measures in place to curb this act. However, in reality, enough has not been done to curb this practice because the law has not been put into practice.

Can you be arrested for pulling over to text in Florida?

Answer: No, you can’t be arrested for pulling over for texting purposes. The law applies to cars in motion.

Can you be arrested for texting at a red light in Florida?

Answer: No, you can’t be arrested for texting when you have been stopped at a red light.