Flight Center offers a payment plan to its customers to book flights in advance either business or economy class for international or domestic holidays and pay in a given period. Customers can plan on where they want to be flown to and when the flight will be and pay for the ticket at an agreed time.  

Terms and conditions of Flight Center Payment Plan 

Open an account 

A customer must open an account with Flight Centre and apply for a payment plan using the account. Customers fill out their personal details and choose the plan that best fits them. The account provides Flight Centre with any necessary information needed for background checks on the customer to approve or disapprove the payment plan request. 

18 years and above 

A customer applying for the payment plan is required to be 18 years and above to qualify. This shows that the customer is an adult and can make their own decisions to choose a payment plan that best suits them.  

Minimum amount $400 per annum 

The minimum amount that a customer can finance the payment plan is $400 per annum hence when choosing a plan a customer must ensure their total annual pay is not less than $400. This amount is necessary for a customer to choose whether they are capable of meeting such a payment or more in one year and can start making preparations on how to finance their holiday even before deciding to apply for a payment plan. 

$99 annual fee charged 

Each customer account is charged an annual fee of $99 that is renewable every year of the payment plan and must be paid in full or else it will attract interest.  

Monthly payments 

A customer makes monthly payments to the account to finance their chosen plan until the end of the plan period. The amount a customer remits monthly depends on what was agreed upon and approved by Flight Centre and it is what the customer is comfortable paying for the period.    

Permanent USA citizen 

A customer should be able to show proof of permanent US citizenship when applying for the payment plan. Hence if a customer is not a permanent citizen one will not be eligible for a payment plan.  

Earn $25,000+ per year

Proof of a customer earning $25, 000 and more in a year is needed when applying for a payment plan. This is necessary for Flight Center to be able to determine the customers eligible for the payment plan before approving as this enables them to know whether one will be able to meet the set payments in the period stated or not. With this, they can advise the customer on which plan will work better for them without a customer straining and defaulting on the payment. 

Benefits of a Payment Plan 


Customers go for a payment plan because it is an affordable way to contribute towards your travel if one is not able to afford to pay for it all at once. It gives customer’s time to plan on what they feel they can afford to set aside in a given period to enjoy that destination that they would love to travel to. 

No interest fee

A payment plan does not attract any interest fee. A customer only pays for the amount required for travel just like the one who pays all at once. Hence a customer does not incur any additional cost just because they were not able to finance their travel all at once. This feature of a payment plan attracts many customers as they feel they too can finance their travels in a way that they can afford and enjoy just like the ones who pay for them at a go.  


A payment plan is a convenient way to plan their income and spending. A customer can know how much is needed for the monthly expenses. They can even look for alternative income channels to finance their expenses and be able to honor the agreement made with Flight Center and enjoy their travel. 


A payment plan is a good choice for anyone who would love to travel to a particular destination but cannot afford a one-off payment during booking. It gives a customer time to plan their time, income, and spending and in the end enjoy that destination they always have loved.