What is Django?

Django is a web development framework for Python. This framework offers a standard method for fast and effective website development. It helps you in building and maintaining quality web applications. It enables you to make the development process smooth and time-saving. It is a high-level web framework which allows performing rapid development. The primary goal of this web framework is to create complex database-driven websites.

Features of Flask

Here are important features of Flask

Integrated support for unit testing. RESTful request dispatching. Uses a Jinja2 template engine. It is based on Werkzeug toolkit. Support for secure cookies (client-side sessions). Extensive documentation. Google app engine compatibility. APIs are nicely shaped and coherent Easily deployable in production

Features of Django

Here are important features of Django:

Offers Model – View – Controller (MVC) Architecture. Predefined libraries for imaging, graphics, scientific calculations, etc. Supports for multiple databases. Cross-platform operating system. Site optimization across specialized servers Support for front-end tools like Ajax, jQuery, Pyjamas, etc. Supports multi-Language and multi-characters.

Advantages of Flask

Here, are pros/benefits of using Flask

Higher compatibility with latest technologies Technical experimentation Easier to use for simple cases Codebase size is relatively smaller High scalability for simple applications, Easy to build a quick prototype Routing URL is easy Easy to develop and maintain applications Database integration is easy Small core and easily extensible Minimal yet powerful platform Lots of resources available online especially on GitHub

Advantages of Django

Here, are pros/benefits of Django framework:

Django is easy to set up and run It provides an easy to use interface for various administrative activities. It offers multilingual websites by using its built-in internationalization system Django allows end-to-end application testing Allows you to document your API with an HTML output REST Framework has rich support for several authentication protocols It is used for rate-limiting API requests from a single user. Helps you to define patterns for the URLs in your application Offers built-in authentication system Cache framework comes with multiple cache mechanisms. High-level framework for rapid web development A complete stack of tools Data modelled with Python classes

Disadvantage of Flask

Here, are cons/drawback of Flask

Slower MVP development in most cases, Higher maintenance costs for more complex systems Complicated maintenance for larger implementations. Async may be a little problem Lack of database and ORM Setting up a large project requires some previous knowledge of the framework Offers limited support and smaller community compared to Django

Disadvantage of Django

Here, are cons/drawback of the Django framework

It is a monolithic platform. High dependence on Django ORM. Broad Knowledge required. Fewer Design decisions and Components. Compatibility with the latest technologies A higher entry point for simple solutions The larger size of the code Too bloated for small projects Underpowered templating and ORM Templates failed silently Auto reload restarts the entire server High learning curve Documentations does not cover real-world scenarios Only allows you to handle a single request per time. Routing requires some knowledge of regular expressions Internal subcomponents coupling You can deploy components together, which can create confusion.

Flask Vs Django: Which Python Framework to Choose?

You should prefers flask if you want the granular level of control while a Django developer relies on an extensive community to create unique website. Django combined with the REST Framework helps you to build powerful APIs, whereas Flask requires more work, so there are high chances to make a mistake. The best method is to build a few basic CRUD apps with both frameworks and decide which framework fits your project style better.